Fill in your details below for your preferred site, date and time and we'll send you a confirmation shortly.
We have sent you an email and text message with further details.
Please bring your mobile phone with you and call us from the site when you arrive. We will then open the gate for you and take you on a guided tour remotely of the site and inside an available Loc-Box.
Please watch this short video tour of our site to prepare you for your viewing: Loc-Box Viewing Video
If you wish to move into a Loc-Box straightaway, please bring your ID (passport or driving licence) and payment details with you so we can release the keys.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We are here to help between 8am and 6:30pm, 7 days a week.
Fill in your details below and select a date that you would like the unit to be reserved from.
We have sent you an email and text message with further details.
Our team will shortly give you a call to confirm the booking.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We are here to help between 8am and 6:30pm, 7 days a week.
Corby 01536 267700 | Daventry 01327 872197 | Kettering 01536 513083 | Kirkby 01623 247001 | Newark 01636 612589 | Market Harborough 01858 466003
Northampton (Creaton) 01604 505050 | Northampton (Moulton Park) 01604 647620 | Northampton (Summerhouse Rd) 01604 505050 | Whittlesey 01733 200855 | Grantham 01476 566184
Want to book a Loc-Box? All you need to book a Loc-Box with us is click the quote button above, or pick up the phone with the following to hand: Debit / Credit Card, a photo card driving licence / passport (so we can ID check you), your bank details (sort code and account number) and a friends contact details (in case of emergency). We are then able to let you have access to your unit remotely in just 5 minutes. You can also send an email to us below. Fill in the form and we’ll get back to you promptly.